while we're on the subject of moogles

[quote=“Scen”]Wow. I’d almost be interested in joining FF14 just to have a place to hang out with old Kupop people again…

Back before it folded, Travis and I used to play City of Heroes together. Of course, being a superhero-themed MMO, he played Fara (the Mana Knight) and I played the Shield (though, since that name was taken, the character’s actual name was Captain Guardia). Together we had many grand adventures, although people never really knew what we were talking about when we’d say that “The entire Web of Worlds is in danger!”…[/quote]

Oh man. I had friends who played CoH; I never did, sadly. I went from WoW to FF14. And I guess I played SW:TOR and Rift… briefly…

laughing so hard right now

I play on PC (with an xbox controller, no less), but PC/PS3/PS4 all share the same servers. Dustin has it on both ps4 and pc but only really plays on pc.

Ooo, the controller works for it? I may have to reinstall it. I played it a little.

Yep. I play on PC, and use a Logitech controller that’s basically a PS2/PS3/PS4 controller.

I started playing on my tv with a controller, switched to playing mouse and keyboard on my laptop because playing on the tv gave me a headache, and then switched BACK to playing on my desktop connected to a monitor because my laptop can’t run the game for shit, and ended up using an xbox controller again.

The game plays just as well regardless of what you use, but I prefer the analog for movement (getting out of AOEs etc) to wasd, and crossbars give access to 24 skills between the main crossbar set and a secondary one you can access by holding down the triggers (L1/R1 for one set of four, R1/L1 for the other). That gives me pretty much all the space I need.