A blog post my wife wrote.

I thought you guys would be interested. But mainly I’m super proud that Forbes republished one of my wife’s blog post (my wife is Cathy Cooper).

forbes.com/sites/sap/2015/06 … n=20150624

That is interesting stuff! I know that I’ve seen a fair amount of high level interactions in the raiding I did in WoW (and do in FFXIV). There is definitely a lot for raid leaders to keep track of, and it has been referred to as a second job. This has led some people to basically argue the opposite: prospective employers will hear “raid” as “time-consuming hobby that takes away from work,” but that seems dependent on the employer.

Also, good on your wife, getting into Forbes!

Very good article! I have a lot of perspective on this as I’ve had multiple experiences as a leader in online games (albeit much simpler ones). They’ve taught me a tremendous amount about people management, how to adapt to different people’s needs, and how to deal with disruptive personalities. They’ve also taught me how to wake up quickly and manage my schedule, although the latter I’m still pretty bad at by nature.